August 29, 2024

Achieving Great Customer Service

In today's competitive market, whether you're an established corporation or an emerging start-up, the battle for customers is relentless. Many companies focus on product quality, convenience, pricing, and marketing, often treating customer service as an afterthought. However, great customer service is crucial for creating loyal customers, who choose your brand over competitors despite cost or convenience.

August 29, 2024


Walter Wakulowsky

President, Serefin Experiences

Walter Wakulowsky is a visionary leader with over 30 years of experience in the contact center industry. As President of Serefin Experiences, he is committed to delivering exceptional customer experiences and driving client loyalty. Walter's extensive career includes senior and executive roles at some of Canada’s largest contact centers, where he has consistently demonstrated his technical and operational expertise.

Achieving Great Customer Service

Achieving Great Customer Service

Whether you are an established corporation looking to reduce customer churn and maintain market share, an up-and-coming start-up aiming to disrupt the marketplace, or simply coming up with a better way of doing things, you are in a battle for customers. You direct your efforts toward product or service quality, convenience, pricing, and marketing strategies to attract new customers. You may also use tools such as loyalty programs to encourage repeat business.

However, too many companies treat customer service as an afterthought, a contact center as a cost center, and customer complaints as simple inconveniences.   As a result, they do the bare minimum required to support their customers. This may be intentional, but a company often finds that providing good customer service is much harder than anticipated. It requires more than a desire – it requires the hard work of professionals who understand the customer journey and how to deliver the support demanded by today's consumers efficiently.

What results are achieved by great customer service?

The result of delivering great customer service should be to develop loyal customers – not just repeat customers. There is a difference. A repeat customer comes back out of convenience. They may be driven by factors such as location or low prices. These drivers are transitory – the customer will go elsewhere if they find the product slightly cheaper or it becomes available on another platform. A repeat customer will immediately switch brands if they encounter a poor outcome. A loyal customer, on the other hand, feels connected to your brand. They actively choose it over competitors, even if the competitor is cheaper or more convenient.

True loyalty can only be developed by building an emotional attachment to your brand.

Here are some statistics:

  • Zendesk reports that after more than one bad experience, around 73% of consumers say they would rather do business with a competitor.
  • Qualtrics XM Institute found that more than half (53%) of consumers have cut spending after a single bad experience with a company.
  • According to PwC, 42% of consumers would pay more for a friendly, welcoming customer service experience.  Similarly, Qualtrics revealed that customer are likely to spend 14% more after a positive experience compared to those who report negative experiences.
  • A Salesforce study shows that 80% of customers say that the experience a company provides is as important as its products and services.

On the other hand, 86% of customers are willing to switch brands because of a bad experience or if they know another company will deliver a better experience.

Many companies feel that delivering good customer service is expensive, but study after study shows that it’s far more costly not to.

What is great customer service?

So, what is required to deliver great customer service? It doesn't need to cost an arm and a leg. There are simple things a company can do and simple strategies to understand, but they will require significant effort, focus and intention to implement effectively.

Customer journey – when a customer unexpectedly steps off the "happy path" due to an unexpected obstacle, they need support to resolve the problem and get them back on the path.

Convenient CX

A customer should feel like their problems are important to you and that their concerns and feedback will be taken seriously. When someone reaches out to you, they must be made to feel like you are eager to speak with them and resolve their issues. Allowing customers to contact you using their preferred communication channel (phone, text, email, SMS, social media, etc.) should be mandatory. A company should provide (and meet) clear service level expectations and provide opportunities to have the customers' contact attempts returned as soon as possible (i.e. virtual callbacks).

Customers should also have access to effective self-serve options if they choose to utilize them.

Customer Interactions

Once a customer reaches one of your agents, they expect a certain standard. It's not enough to be marginally better than your main competitor. You are being judged against the standards of some of the world's best companies.

The Benchmark Trap: Why Comparing to the Competition Isn't Enough

While benchmarking against competitors can be a valuable and often used starting point, solely focusing on surpassing your nearest competitor can be a recipe for mediocrity.

Consider a scenario where a company measures customer service success by being "marginally better" than its main competitor. To understand this better, let’s look at a major Canadian travel provider I once worked with.  They consistently provided long customer wait times to reach an agent – upwards of 30 minutes.  Their rationale was two-fold.  First, they were 5 minutes quicker than their major competitor.  Second, by having long wait times, they encouraged customers to book their travel needs online rather than speaking with an agent.  Pointing out that the close rate of customers asking for quotes from an agent was nearly five times higher than that of those who checked prices online didn’t help modify their strategy.  Also, pointing out that a customer will not differentiate between a 30-minute and a 35-minute wait time didn’t help.  For customers, the service would be seen as poor for both companies.

A constant focus on outdoing the competition in price or features can lead to a race to the bottom.   This ultimately hurts margins and makes investing in employee training and service improvements difficult, further perpetuating the churn cycle.

Customer expectations are constantly evolving. What may have constituted "good" service by a competitor yesterday could be perceived as average or inadequate today. Simply keeping up with the competition may leave you lagging in evolving customer expectations.

By fixating on competitors, companies may overlook opportunities to differentiate their brands. Focusing on exceeding customer expectations, rather than merely meeting competitor benchmarks, allows businesses to identify unique value propositions and cultivate a loyal customer base willing to stay, even at a slightly higher price point.

This requires understanding customer needs, building strong customer relationships and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. By delivering exceptional customer service, companies can create brand loyalty that goes beyond price point, leading to sustainable growth and success.

First and foremost, the customer must feel respected. They must feel your Company cares about them and empathizes with their issue. The agent must practice active listening skills. They must assure your customer that they will do everything possible to resolve the issue as quickly and expertly as possible and then deliver on that promise. The agent must understand the value of the customer and, where possible, go that little bit extra to compensate the customer for their inconvenience.

Furthermore, the agent must be ready to thank the customer for their feedback and assure them that the problem the customer encountered will be communicated to the people who can do something about it. Then, they must follow up with whatever process is in place to ensure the product team knows of the issue and can remove the obstacle.

Active Feedback

Finally, there is a reason that the customer needed to contact you. Something went wrong in their customer journey, and they couldn't correct the problem themselves. There's a bug in the technology, a problem with the process, they didn't know how to do something, etc. Once the customer issue has been resolved, it is imperative that the rest of the Company must know why customers are calling, along with their sentiment. Knowing this will allow the Company to prioritize improvements, correct bugs, identify new revenue source opportunities, or take other measures to improve the customer experience and, in the end, drive customer loyalty.

HBR Lego example

Lego Customer Insight Through Support Inquiries

In a Harvard Business Review case study, Lego discovered valuable customer insights through their customer support channels. While traditionally focused on children's toys, Lego realized a significant number of adults were contacting them with inquiries. This "aha moment" led them to recognize the potential of the adult market, a segment with greater spending power. As a result, Lego shifted its marketing strategy to target adults as well as children, leading to significant growth and market expansion.

Federal testing example

Serefin Optimizes Customer Experience for Dynacare's At-Home COVID Testing Program.

As COVID-19 testing became mandatory for all arriving and returning Canadians, airports faced a surge in testing needs. To ease airport congestion and offer a convenient option for eligible travellers to Montreal, Dynacare partnered with Serefin.  Serefin, a customer experience solutions provider, managed a contact center staffed by nurses who remotely guided travellers through the at-home testing process via video calls.

Initially, a high volume of calls indicated the need for clearer communication.  Serefin's data-driven analysis pinpointed areas for improvement.  Working with Dynacare, they enhanced airport information, clarified test kit instructions, and advised on packaging redesign for better clarity.  This collaboration resulted in a reduction of calls from 20,000 calls to 4,000 calls daily, an impressive 80% reduction in call volume, streamlining operations for Dynacare and improving the testing experience for travellers.

What is expected from the contact center?

Empowering Agent Empowerment

Empowered agents are at the heart of exceptional customer experiences. While technology and processes play a supporting role, the real value comes from the direct interaction between agents and customers. It's essential to prioritize empowering and retaining agents, as it drives cost efficiency and ultimately improves customer experiences.

Unlocking the full potential of the customer experience team requires a holistic approach: selecting the best-fit candidates, providing comprehensive training, fostering a supportive and respectful environment, and implementing effective management practices.

Focusing on these areas ensures that your agents are well-prepared, motivated, and aligned with your brand's goals. This empowerment translates into exceptional customer experiences, higher satisfaction rates, and long-term customer loyalty.

Recruit Right

Finding the right people to represent your brand is the first step in building a high-performing contact center. The recruitment process should be strategic and deliberate, ensuring candidates possess the necessary skills, attitudes, and cultural fit.

  • Understand the profile of the agents needed to represent your brand: Define the ideal candidate profile based on your brand's values, culture, and specific needs. Look for individuals who possess not only the necessary skills but also the right attitude and cultural fit.
  • Find the best applicants with the correct skill sets: Prioritize language proficiency, communication abilities, technical knowledge, and emotional intelligence.
  • Set clear expectations for recruits. Ensure that new hires understand the importance of their roles and the value of exceptional customer service. This clarity helps align their efforts with your brand's goals.

Train Right

Once suitable agents are onboarded, the next step is to equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to excel. Comprehensive, interactive training programs are essential to prepare agents for their roles and help them understand your brand's nuances and customer service expectations.

  • In-depth, interactive training: Develop comprehensive training programs that prepare agents for their roles. Use certified trainers to tailor the training strategy to meet client needs, including brand-specific content, systems, and security.
  • Understanding and representing the brand: Equip agents with a deep understanding of the brand, fostering a greater appreciation for the company culture that resonates with customers.
  • Understanding the program: Ensure agents thoroughly grasp the program's objectives, processes, and expected outcomes.
  • Tools and technology: Provide training on the tools and technologies they will use, ensuring they are proficient in using them to enhance customer interactions.
  • Customer service skills: Emphasize the development of soft skills such as empathy, active listening, and effective call control. These skills are crucial for creating positive customer experiences.
  • Importance of proper note-taking: Highlight the significance of accurate and detailed note-taking to ensure continuity and quality in customer service.

Treat Right – Respect Agents

Creating a positive work environment and fostering a culture of respect is crucial to empowering and retaining agents. When agents feel valued, supported, and engaged, they are more likely to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

  • Offer good benefits: To attract and retain top talent, provide competitive compensation packages, including healthcare, wellness programs, and financial benefits.
  • Reward Systems: As part of the ongoing performance monitoring, reward systems that encourage customer excellence ensure agents consistently deliver high-quality service that meets customer expectations.
  • Focus on reducing churn: Implement strategies to reduce attrition rates, such as creating a positive work environment and offering career development opportunities.
  • Provide opportunities for advancement: Foster a culture of growth by providing clear paths for career advancement and recognizing and rewarding high performers.
  • Maintain a positive workplace culture: Cultivate a supportive and collaborative work environment where agents feel respected and appreciated.
  • Work/life balance: Promote work/life balance by offering flexible schedules, remote work options, and wellness initiatives to prevent burnout and improve overall job satisfaction.

Effective Quality Assurance

Maintaining high-quality standards is the cornerstone for delivering exceptional customer service. A robust Quality Assurance (QA) framework ensures that agent interactions meet or exceed expectations, drive customer satisfaction, and continuously improve performance. An independent QA team that operates separately from the operations team is vital for maintaining impartiality and delivering unbiased evaluations.

  • Dedicated and Independent QA Team: It's essential to keep the QA team completely independent from the agent teams to maintain the integrity and consistency of a contact center's operations. This independence ensures complete impartiality in evaluations, fostering trust and transparency in the feedback process.
  • Comprehensive Monitoring and Feedback: QA teams should monitor and score agent interactions across all channels, providing immediate feedback to agents and structured coaching packages to their supervisors. Regular internal calibration sessions are necessary to ensure consistency in scoring and alignment with organizational goals.
  • Advanced Customer Engagement Solutions: Use technology to record 100% of omnichannel interactions, with a portion of interactions including agent screen capture, to enable comprehensive evaluation and feedback.
  • Analytical and Data-Driven Approach: The QA process should be data-driven, utilizing advanced analytics to extract valuable insights from customer interactions. By analyzing voice and digital interactions, QA teams can better understand customer experiences and agent performance, uncovering trends and patterns that inform actionable improvements.
  • QA Models and Scoring: Adopting a structured QA model helps maintain consistency and thoroughness in evaluations. Organizations should develop or adapt call-scoring models that align with their specific needs and objectives. Leveraging technology, such as automated scoring systems, enhances the efficiency and accuracy of QA processes.
  • Customer Satisfaction and Surveying: Beyond call scoring, QA should encompass customer satisfaction metrics such as CSAT (Customer Satisfaction), NPS (Net Promoter Score), and CES (Customer Effort Score). Using integrated technology platforms, organizations can deploy these surveys to gather comprehensive feedback on customer experiences.
  • Internal Collaboration: Regular collaboration within the organization's stakeholders is essential for a successful QA program. By maintaining open communication and aligning QA practices with organizational goals, companies can ensure that their quality standards consistently meet or exceed expectations, driving continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

Proper Technology

In today's fast-paced digital world, leveraging the right technology is essential to streamline operations and enhance customer interactions. Implementing advanced tools and systems can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your contact center.

  • Omnichannel: Support customers through multiple channels, including phone, email, chat, and social media, to provide a seamless and convenient experience.
  • Effective use of AI: Leverage AI-powered assistants to handle routine inquiries, allowing human agents to focus on more complex issues and provide a personalized touch.
  • Self-serve options: Offer self-service solutions that empower customers to resolve issues independently, improving satisfaction and reducing call volumes.
  • Workforce Optimization: Use workforce optimization tools to manage agent schedules, forecast call volumes, and efficiently use resources.

Manage Right

Effective management is the backbone of any successful contact center. It provides the strategic vision and operational expertise needed to thrive in a competitive environment.

Seasoned managers employ their expertise to streamline contact center operations, ensuring smooth and efficient functioning within budget limitations. This entails implementing robust hiring processes to attract the right talent, using advanced workforce management techniques, and continually refining operational workflows to minimize costs and boost productivity. We are adept at efficiently accomplishing this within your budget: leveraging management expertise to optimize processes, control costs, and deliver high-quality service within budget constraints.

  • Passionate about customer experiences: Management should have a deep understanding of customer service best practices and a genuine passion for creating exceptional customer experiences. Ideally, there should be an individual role at a senior level responsible for customer experience, such as a 'Chief Customer Experience Officer' to drive home to the rest of the organization the importance of the customer experience.
  • Proficient in contact center best practices: Apply industry best practices to consistently enhance service delivery and operational efficiency.
  • Utilizing Best Practice Technology: Stay updated with the latest contact center technologies to enhance service capabilities, drive innovation, and improve overall performance. This includes integrating omnichannel solutions, AI-driven analytics, and workforce optimization tools to provide superior customer service while maintaining operational efficiency.
  • Balancing Metrics: Balance efficiency with customer experience metrics, ensuring operational efficiency doesn't compromise customer satisfaction. This includes monitoring KPIs such as average handle time and first call resolution and focusing on customer satisfaction, Net Promoter Score (NPS), and Customer Effort Score (CES).
  • Communication and Collaboration: Communicate results, insights, and potential changes to stakeholders. Regular and transparent communication ensures that all departments are aligned with the contact center's goals and objectives.
  • Celebrate Success: Beyond measuring and managing agent performance, it’s important to celebrate successes and milestones to boost morale and motivation.


Delivering exceptional customer service is not just a goal but a crucial strategy for businesses across industries. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and loyalty, companies can differentiate themselves in a competitive market and cultivate long-term relationships with their customers. Effective customer service goes beyond resolving issues; it involves understanding customer needs, empowering agents, and continuously improving processes to deliver seamless experiences.

As businesses adapt to changing customer expectations and technological advancements, they must invest in a customer-centric approach. This involves recruiting and training the right agents, creating a positive work environment, and implementing effective management practices. By empowering their teams to deliver exceptional customer experiences, companies can prioritize customer satisfaction, drive growth, enhance brand reputation, and achieve sustainable success in today's customer-driven economy.


Ready to Take Your Customer Service to the Next Level?

Contact us today for a free consultation on how we can help you build a winning customer service strategy.

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